What is Ramadan?

January 8, 2024

What is Ramadan?

Ramadan is a spiritual month – and is observed as one of the five pillars of Islam. It is a time when Muslims are more attuned to conscientious living according to the concept of Halal and Tayyib – to consume conscientiously what is permissible, pure and clean.

This year Ramadan is expected to start on 10th March and last until 9th April. Ramadan is the 9th Month of the Islamic lunar calendar. The lunar year is shorter than the Gregorian calendar year so Ramadan starts 11 days earlier every year.

Practicing Muslims observe a complete fast (no water or food) from sunrise till sunset during this period. Every evening they break their fast with a meal called Iftar, and dates are traditionally a key feature, often being the first thing to pass everyone’s lips.

Why choose Zaytoun for Ramadan?

Not only are our delicious Medjoul Dates Great Taste Award winners, they are an ethical choice which you can be sure will support Palestinian growers in Jericho who are striving to improve their livelihoods while living under military occupation. Right now, while the destruction of homes and lives in Gaza continues unabated, the challenges of living in an occupied territory have escalated dramatically as farmers and workers in the West Bank experience increasingly violent and frequent harassment from settlers. The UK market is crucial to them, and the solidarity they feel from people around the world choosing their products is a light in the darkness.

Our Medjoul dates are grown in and around the ancient city of Jericho and their sale and export is vital to the economy of this area. At 260 metres below sea level Jericho is the lowest city on earth It has a dry and hot micro-climate which is suited to the cultivation of dates. As Palestinians under occupation have lost access to much of their water resources, farmers have had to abandon growing fruits such as citrus and bananas for which this area was known.

The only water available contains a degree of salinity – due to proximity to the Dead Sea. The Medjoul date is one of the few fruits that can survive on saline water.

A special range of Medjoul dates and more

We sell our Palestinian Medjoul Dates all year round, but during Ramadan we add limited edition packs of Medjoul dates especially branded for Ramadan customers in sunset colours (signifiying the time for breaking the fast).

People often host Iftars during Ramadan, inviting family and friends for sumptuous meals. Our range offers a perfect variety of products to create a feast with the unique flavours of Palestine.

Perfect ingredients for Iftar

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