The Fair Trade Movement Will Continue To Fight For Trade Justice

March 3, 2023

By now you may have heard that Traidcraft plc, one of the pioneers of the Fairtrade movement, has ceased trading. Our thoughts are with all affected producers, suppliers, Traidcraft staff and passionate supporters at this difficult time. But while this movement has lost one of its pioneers, the work very much continues.

It’s fitting that four of the organisations Traidcraft helped set up are able to continue to support the future of ethical trade. Transform Trade, the Fairtrade Foundation, Café Direct and Shared Interest all came out of the early Fairtrade movement. Now, together, we are well positioned to build on the legacy of Traidcraft – each in unique ways, while fair trade and ethical businesses in the UK continue to trade, proving every day that business can be done in ways which nourish people and protect the planet we all rely on.

But it’s not business alone which will change the world – at the heart of the trade justice movement are the people buying, selling, campaigning, donating and giving up their time. We’ve been hearing many inspirational stories of people who are stepping up their support for trade justice in light of the news about Traidcraft, with fresh enthusiasm to engage with the issues and work for a fairer world.

The need for Fairtrade is more important than ever and together we can strive for a fairer future.

Now more than ever we need to show solidarity in the movement. We urge you to continue to buy, sell, campaign, donate, invest and promote fairer trade and push for a more ethical way of doing business.

Take action now – three actions you can take today!

In the wake of Traidcraft ceasing to trade, organisations are coming together in solidarity to support the people who matter most: the makers, growers and artisans.

1. Stock up

If you have previously bought from Traidcraft, whether to run a stall, to stock your business or for personal use, you can still get most of these products elsewhere. We’ve listed a few options below:

Where can I buy fair trade products now? Click here for a list kindly compiled by fair traders David Hough, Alan Cunningham, and others.

Your local fair trade shop will be able to provide a wide range of fair trade items for personal use and you can talk to them about discounted or sale or return goods for stalls. You can find a list of BAFTS shop members on their website

2. Donate to Transform Trade’s Producer Fund

Transform Trade are working hard to support the worst affected producers across the world by providing grants, accompaniment and market access to help strengthen their businesses and keep orders coming in.

How can I support former Traidcraft producers to strengthen their businesses?

3. Campaign

Buying and selling isn’t enough. We need to change the systems which allow people to be exploited. Lend your voice to the campaigns that matter and fight for a fairer world. Add your voice right now at Fairtrade Foundation and Transform Trade.

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